Loan company publishes fake obituary of widow over N13, 000 debt
CITIZENS COMPASS – FOR failure to service the sum of N13, 000 loan, a finance company has published a fake obituary of a widow, Modupe Elizabeth Oladipupo.
Modupe has since cried for help from well meaning Nigerians.
According to reports, Oladipupo said on May 22, she contacted the loan company and asked for a loan of N13, 000.
She said when the process was completed, she was credited the N13, 000 and told she would pay N20, 000 in return.
Oladipupo said she immediately contacted an agent of the company and told them she was no longer interested as the interest demanded, was too much. Oladipupo said she immediately returned the money to the account provided.
She said she was shocked to receive a call from a lady from the company, saying she owes them N10, 000. She said all her explanations to the lady fell on deaf ears as the lady insisted she owes them N10000 and that they will tarnish her image if she failed to pay back.
The widow said she was shocked to receive calls from family and friends inquiring about her welfare after the lady sent a poster of her image and a write-up claiming she was ill and needed some money.
Oladipupo said the female representative of the loan company went further to create her obituary and has forwarded same to her phone contacts.
She said she has reported the matter to the police and that the officers contacted the lady who insists she will not stop tarnishing her image until the money she “owes” her company is paid.
Oladipupo said she went to the loan app to seek financial help after she was attacked by one-chance robbers who cleared her savings of N400, 000.
She said she is alive and fine.