Landlord puts tenant’s underwear for sale over unpaid rent
CITIZENS COMPASS– For failure to pay up rent, a landlord has put up his tenant’s underwear for auction in Kenya.
The landlord’s action followed a dispute over unpaid rent, a situation that has generated drawn various comments on the social media.
The news of the auction was made public on Monday, January 30, 2023 when local newspapers in Kenya published the advertisement for the public sale of the underwear.
According to Nyaluoyo Auctioneers who are conducting the sale, Zachariah Sichenje Masika’s landlord gave them the go-ahead to sell four pairs of men’s and four pairs of women’s undies that belong to the tenant in order to recoup the unpaid rent.
The company’s yard in Kisumu will be the site of the public auction. Cash must be paid in full once the hammer falls for whosever is purchasing the undies.
The advertisement has since gone viral, with internet users making fun of the landlord and the auctioneering company for the odd advertisement of the auction of the tenant’s undies.