HEALTH TALK: Suicide as a social menace in nigeria (Part 2)
By Suleiman Tajudeen
Financial constraints
Family history of suicide
Loss of loved ones ( i e bereavement )
Mental illness (i e depression, anxiety, etc)
Physical illness
Feeling inadequate or failure in life
Unwanted pregnancy
Cultural pressure
Rejection of any kind
Broken hearts
Poor academic performance (ie failure in a particular exams)
Helplessness and other psycho-social stressors
Marital problems
Research evidence and clinical experience have indicated some of the armful things used to carry out suicide act in Nigeria.
Self cutting
The use of chemicals to harm oneself
Burning of oneself with kerosene or petroleum products
The use of firearms (i.e. guns).
Jumping from bridges to lagoons
Use of kitchen knives or any sharp objects
Use of insecticides like snipper
Use of poisonous substances
Overdose of prescribed drugs.
Treatment Approach For the Management of Suicide Problems in Nigeria:
Medical attention for severe suicide cases
Psychological management like cognitive behavioural therapy and supportive psychotherapy are needed
Create awareness on the high prevalence of suicide in Nigeria
Govt should come with policies that will reduce the rate poverty, unemployment and other psycho-social stressors in the society
Non Governmental Orgsnisations and other stake holder should talk about the challenges in fighting against suicide and promoting good mental health
Students, workers and other members of the society should speak out about their worries, for prompt medical intervention.
The Mental Health Act 2021 that was signed into law by former President Muhammadu Buhari in 2023 was a welcome development based on the fact that it will enhance and protect the lives of people suffering from mental illnesses by giving them an increased opportunity to access mental health care. Based on the establishment of this mental health act, federal, state governments and other responsible authorities are to develop strategies that will spell out national goals for suicide prevention and a better way to archive these noble objectives of reducing the rate of suicide in our society.
Contacting a suicide hotline in Nigeria can be of help (ie SURPIN HELPLINE, a 24 hours phone line that provide support and referral services for suicide patient ).
Call for help from any mental health facilities in your area (ie LUTH, Department of Psychiatry, Idi-Araba, Lagos State,
Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos in Lagos
Limit access to the means of suicide (ie pesticides, firearms, certain medications that can be used to carry out the act of suicide must be avoided in totality).
Be media-friendly, listen to media report on suicidal information (i.e. news report on suicidal in Nigeria and across the world)
Improve upon your interpersonal relationship (ie speak out your worries to people that can be of help )
Government t and NGOs should work with the media to ensure responsible reporting of high rate of suicide cases in Nigeria.
Developing and implementing mental health policies at the national and state levels as stipulated in Mental Health Act 2021.
Training and promoting mental health professionals, law enforcement personnel and community members in suicide prevention
Promoting positive mental health through school-based programmes and workplace wellness initiatives
Be your brother’s keeper by providing support for those who survived in the attempts.
In conclusion, all hands must be on deck by all reasonable authorities to adhere to the above health information in order to reduce the menace of suicide in Nigeria.
Economic crunch, depression driving suicide surge among Nigerian youths. Business Day Newspaper. 27th August 2023.businessday.nig>news>article>econo….
Makinde B & Adeoye A (2021) A retrospect on prevalences of suicidality and it’s gender significance. Gender and Behaviour.Journals.co Za-ejc-genbeh-v19n3-a33. Accessed 15th March 2024.
More men die of suicide in Africa, says CDC. Punch Newspaper 29th November, 2023. Punchng.com>more-men-die-ofsucide… Accessed 24th February, 2024.
Omigbogun O, Dogra N, Esan O, Adedokun B, (2008) prevalence and correlates of suicide behaviour among adolescents in south west Nigeria. International Journal of social psychiatry 54(1) 34-46.
Seventy-nine Nigerians committed suicide in 2022. Punch newspaper 31st January 2023. Punch.com/79-nigerians-commit-sui…..
Too many Nigerians are opting for suicide, Punch Newspaper, 20th November 2023. Punching.com>to-many-Nigerians-are-…. Accessed 25th march 2024.
Dr Sulaiman Tajudeen is Head, Clinical Psychology, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-araba, Lagos State.