Erectile dysfunction: Fertility specialist advocates use of sexual enhancement medication
By Abimbola Joseph
CITIZENS COMPASS–A Consultant Family Physician with special interest in fertility medicine, Dr Moses Mafowosofo, has advocated the use of sexual enhancement medication to build confidence back to people with erectile dysfunction.
Mafowosofo, a fertility medical expert and co-founder of M2 Specialist Hospital disclosed this during an interview with our Correspondent on Thursday, in Lagos State.
Citizen Compass reports that Erectile dysfunction occurs when a man can’t get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse, can also be a sign of a physical or psychological condition, It can cause stress, relationship strain and low self-confidence.
The main symptom is a man’s inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
Mafowosofo said that erectile dysfunction could create a huge psychological problem in patients with regards to sexual activities.
He said many of those patients with erectile dysfunction has fear of initiating sex, they have anxiety around sex and even huge problems trigger their self confidence.
“My expert opinion on the implications of using a sexual enhancement is that I would encourage it for those people that needed it.
“So that those psychological effects that arise from erectile dysfunction can be taken away.
“What we have seen in Most patients is that starting on those medications, they tend to get their confidence back,” he said.
According to the fertility expert, the treatment of patients suffering from erectile dysfunction should first be evaluated for any underlying physical and psychological conditions to know the exact cause of it.
He highlighted Hypertension, Diabetics or the problem of cholesterol as diseases responsible for erectile dysfunction with psychological factors like depression and anxiety adding that if the diagnosis is noticed, the patient should be treated for that.
Mafowosofo, said that some medications such as antianxiety, antidepressive as well as anti hypertensive drugs have also been found to be responsible for erectile dysfunction, and assistive devices, such as pumps, can be prescribed.
The fertility expert advised that there were some medications that should not be combined with Nitrate especially for patients already having heart attacks, if combined such a patient would have very low blood pressure and could eventually die.
“If those drugs are discovered to be the cause, it is advisable to change the medications or other options so that patients can feel better.
“Apart from the medications, we can advocate for vacuum devices to be attached to the penis to make it stronger.
“Other things are pinapostetics as well as testosterone therapy for patients with a very low testosterone,” he said.
According to him, those with psychological conditions could be sent for psychotherapy or sex therapy who can also help them in the management of erectile dysfunction.
If treatment of the underlying conditions doesn’t help, medication and assistive devices, such as pumps,can be prescribed.