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Woman hands over her husband to side chick 

…Husband abandons home, spends weekends with side chick

CITIZENS COMPASS –A 50-year-old husband has received an approval from his wife to continue relationship with his 21-year-old side chick.

The man got the approval as a result of the agreement written by the 45-year-old woman for both lovers.

The woman took to social media to narrate her heartbreaking story to her teeming followers who have been reacting to the story.

According to her, she noticed that her husband was having an affair with the 21-year-old side chick and things took a different turn when she (the woman) took laws into her hand to confront the side chick and this led to an altercation that resulted in her arrest.

Desperate to avoid a criminal record, which would jeopardize her job as a civil servant and pension, she agreed to a shocking condition set by her husband and the side chick: allowing the affair to continue in exchange for dropping the charges.

The devastated woman revealed that since the agreement, her husband has been spending entire weekends with the side chick, neglecting their marriage and leaving her feeling ignored and disrespected. The situation is further complicated by their community of property marriage, which would see her lose half her assets in the event of a divorce.

The embattled woman is seeking advice and support, feeling trapped and unsure of how to navigate this difficult situation.

Her story has sparked a wave of sympathy and outrage online, with many calling for her husband’s infidelity and manipulation to be held accountable.

“Please keep me anonymous. I found out my 50-year-old husband was cheating on me with a 21-year-old girl. I confronted her, and it led to an altercation, resulting in my arrest. My husband convinced her to drop the charges on the condition that I allow her to be his official side chick and promise not to assault her again. I agreed, desperate to avoid a criminal record, which would jeopardize my government job and pension. Now, my husband disappears entire weekends, and when he’s home, he ignores me, always on his phone. If I divorce him, I’ll lose half my assets, which I mostly acquired. Please advise me.”


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