CITIZENS COMPASS– FEW hours to 2022 Christmas, live chickens are currently being sold at between N6,000 and N15,000 in some parts of Lagos State.
However, this depends on the location and other factors.
Our Correspondent, Eniolorunooa Oyedele who monitored the prices of live chickens across some markets like Mile 12, Oke-Odo and Ejina in Ikorodu said the price of old layers was N4,000 and above while cockrel was sold at N7,000 and above and broiler at N12,000 and above.
She said the price was 28% increase compared with that of last year.
Despite the hike in the price, sellers/dealers were seen lamenting low patronage.
Many of them blamed the increase in the prices of liven chicken on high cost of poultry feeds and treatment.
At One-Odo, Madam Chinyere Ajomu said she budgeted to buy three chickens which she trimmed to two because of the price increase.